Tuesday, May 3, 2011


雖然很麻煩, 對模組有愛的人就只好加油了, 就做吧

I'm getting an error along the lines of "unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application."
Install the .net framework redistributable package: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=0a391abd-25c1-4fc0-919f-b21f31ab88b7

I keep getting warnings/errors like "UNABLE TO DECOMPRESS FILE, WRITING DEFLATED FILE"
This is normal. Some files in the RAF archives are not compressed.
The program will write to a file named "nocompress" so that it doesn't compress the files when packing, either.

I just dumped the raf, and it took a long time. Do i have to do this with every archive?'s raf is actually the largest one, with a grand size of 600mb and an unpack size of ~1gb.
The size of the other archives is pretty small, comparatively, at something like ~10mb each.

Dump/Pack times are long, will this be shortened in the future?
Yes, stuff's planned. It's coming soon (tm).

I'm getting errors such as System.IO.FileNotFoundException!?
Make sure you're not deleting/renaming the /dump/ folder, the hashes.txt file, the nocompress.txt file...
In addition, make sure you haven't deleted any files from the /dump/ folder.
I'll have descriptive errors in the next release, but for now...

The packer or dumper crashes midway through.
The game crashes and I get an error similar to: "Unable to create the error report. Please verify that there is enough space in your TEMP folder"
You're out of hard drive space. Clear some so the game/packer/dumper can unpack/pack/unpack the archives.

Skeletal animations appear funny/broken. Limbs are flying all over the place. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS!?
Unfortunately it seems that some skins broke in the April patch (one month before this was released). I have no idea why
this would happen, but if you're getting broken animations like this, you'll have to just revert the champion's skins and skeleton
back to the original.

I can't find my champion's folder!?
Some champions have folder names that are different from their in game names. For example, Taric's folder is "GemKnight"
In addition, most champions are in the archive, but Brand and Rumble aren't. Brand is in, and Rumble's in an archive after that.

Do I have to run the dumper/packer EVERY TIME I want to install a mod? That is despicable! Good Grief!
You have to run the dump once, then only change what you want to change when repacking.
As always, back up your changes so you can revert.

The game crashed or the UI appears distorted after I finished running the packer
You need to restart the game client before you go in game.


1. 到 http://www.itzwarty.com/RAF/files/ 下載 bin.zip

2. 到遊戲的資料夾去. RESOURCE FILE會在 C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_game_client\filearchives\0.0.0.xx\
[xx 的意思是25,26,或29. 大部分的RESOURCE FILE在25, BRAND(火人) 在26, RUMBLE在29

3. 進入0.0.0.25後,在那裡做一個叫Backup的資料夾, 以免萬一, 然後把資料夾裡的 archive_xxxxxxxxxx 的兩個文件COPY進去Backup裡

4. 接下來把剛下載的bin.zip裡的pack.exe跟dump.exe貼到0.0.0.25這個資料夾裡然後跑dump.exe. 請耐心等他因為檔案很多. 看電腦速度可能花幾分鐘到半小時. 結束後他自動會關.

5. 會發現在資料夾裡會出現個叫DUMP的資料夾. RAF裡的檔案都被解壓出來了, 現在那些裡面的FILE都能被改了(模組等等). 就在跟新版之前一樣.
[請別加新的東西或移除什麼東西在該FILE時, 現在階段最好只改已有的FILE

6. 改完DUMP資料夾裡要的模組檔案等等東西候, 跑PACK.exe. 他會把PACK裡的東西壓縮變回新的RAF. 叫作output.raf跟output.raf.dat

7. 把0.0.0.25裡的archive_xxxxxxxxxx的兩個?案刪掉(不是BACKUP裡的, 那些是留下來以免萬一的檔案)

8. 把OUTPUT兩個檔案貼到0.0.0.25裡去, 跟原本archive_xxxxxxxxx是同一個地方.

9. 開遊戲去殺人!