Tuesday, December 14, 2010

End of Course

This was a very interesting course and I enjoyed the logic and proving we did. I remember when I first started the course I was completely dumbstruck by the symbols. Now I feel like that was so long ago. Danny has taught me so much about logic. Never have I imagined before this that logic could take so many forms and have so many different possibilities. Anyways, I really liked this course and wishes everyone good luck on the exam.

Test 3

I have mixed feelings about this test. For the first 2 questions, I'm absolutely confident I got perfect or near perfect, but for some reason, I can't get the 3rd question at all and left it blank. Better to leave it blank than make up random stuff. I have no idea what caused me to blank out like that but all I can say is if I blank out during the test, it means that I simply haven't prepared well enough. No excuses are allowed.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Assignment 3

The assignment 3, as expected, was the hardest one yet. Managed to get most of the proofs done which I'm quite proud of but had to leave one question blank since it was better to leave it blank then to make up random junk trying to sneak past the TA's eyes. The test is on 06/12/10 so I do hope the answers get uploaded fast enough because they are excellent study material and really helps in showing what I need to work on and got wrong


      Okay, so we're learning about the big-oh formula/theorem. I find this material to be much harder than what we've done so far. From what I can make of it, it's used for proving that something is the upper bound of something else by using their greatest power/degree. I can get most of the easier ones but when it comes to the harder ones I have a feeling it's more like trying things out and hopefully finding a connection. I'm going to have to spend some times practicing this I believe

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Test 2

 This test was a little harder than the first but still quite simple. Again, there was no twists and anyone who did the assignment and reviewed the material could've done it well. Admittedly this time I did take a few glimpse at my "cheat sheet" but besides that it was no big deal. Even though the assignment answers were released before the test but I wished that our assignment were graded to so we could've gone over those too since that would've helped a lot in letting us know if there were any flaws in our proofs

Assignment 2

Admittedly these posts of mine are pretty much around the same time since the finals are coming up. In assignment 2, I worked with Derek and we found it pretty easy. The first question was a little comfusing at first when it told us to rephrase the proof of IVT. Wasn't altogether sure what it was looking for since the proof that was there originally was so clear. But overall it was fine

Part 2 Proofs

Now that we're actually past the structural part of logic and done learning the symbols, we've finally started on proofs. Thank god despite the fact we are doing calculus related proofs we don't actually have to know how to prove the formulas. They're given all to us. If they weren't, I think it would've been a disaster for me since I'm so bad at it. Anyways this part is pretty easy-going as long as one keeps a clear head and doesn't make any random false connections when proving.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

First Test

When I saw that we were allowed to being a "cheat sheet" to the test I was actually quite scared and nervous. Because I assumed that meant the test would be quite difficult. However, I was pleasntly surprised when the test turned out to not be as hard as I thought it would be. In fact anyone who studied the material and did the assignment and went over it should be just fine. I didn't even have to use my "cheat sheet" and I wasted an hour writing it haha. So in the end the test went fairly smoothly and I felt fairly satisfied with my performance. I think I could do better by putting more time in thinking how to make my logic and explanations more solid though.

First Few Weeks of CSC 165

Okay, so being from a family of programmers, I knew how important logic was to programming. So when the course selection started this was the first course I went for because there was only 1 lecture for it. Anyways, I walked into my first class knowing and expecting work about logic. However, I have to admit that at first I was a little overwhelmed and dumbstruck by the symbols and the explanations. The whole thing looked so difficult and intimidating. What with the universal quantifiers, weird alien symbol statements, etc. Eventually though before I realized it, I was actually starting to understand the material. So pretty much everything started to go more smoothly and we led up to the first test of the course